Ok, the story goes like this. Doug and I took JD to Dupont Hospital to see Dr. Bober, and Dr. Mackenzie in March 2007. I was feeling guilty that Anne was not going with us so I purchased her a betta fighting fish. Yes, folks, I did. Another living breathing animal/human to feed, clean and take care of. What was I thinking?
Well, Nemo (the greatest fish in the world) is now not doing so well. Our first experience with Death. Now, I own a daycare, I talk to parents on how to deal with this all the time. Cats, dogs, even grandparents, friends, etc. So different at your own house, the questions are flying from Annie. What is heaven like? Do only cats and fish go there? Can he bring a picture of us to remember? Will he like it there? Can he visit us?
Nemo is sitting on the bottom of his very clean tank today...(Anne wanted to clean it up so he was in cleaner water) and not looking so well. I am tempted to go to the store and "replace" him...Am I a terrible mom? Should I pretend to take him to the "vet" and come home with a new one...I am perplexed....
So close to Christmas and she is devestated...and guess what she wants for Christmas? That is right folks, A HAMSTER....no way...I am not going there....
Any advice?
I am sorry you guys are dealing with your first loss of a pet. I have no advice on this one as we have yet to experience it. Your daughter is pretty precious asking if the fish can bring a picture with him to heaven. Good Luck!
Jill, wow! Ok first I agree-no hamster-they are gross smelling anyway. :-)
Second, I was three when they put my dog to sleep because she was very ill. My paretns never got over it, so they never got another animal-until the smelly hamsters.
Part of me agrees with you to just replace it, but could she tell? She is one smart cookie. Otherwise I think you will have to tell her that there is a place in heaven for all those fish that can't stay on earth and that part of heaven is beautiful with big ponds for the fish and it is always sunny...etc. That Nemo will always be happy and never feel pain again and will miss her dearly.
Please let us know how it worked out!
Wow...that's a tough one. As much as I want to say just go ahead and replace the fish, this actually might be a very important experience for her. It's probably best to go through this tough time with a fish and help her understand and make sense of it, and that way she will always have this experience to draw from in the future. Good luck, I know this can't be easy!
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