Monday, November 24, 2008


Ok, who else is addicted to Facebook? I find myself looking on that site way too much....ugh! Is there an intervention? LOL

How many of you LP families are on there? I posted a video on there, but still can't here...what is up with that?

Oh well, I digress, off to check my FB page!!!


Unknown said...

I'm on FB!!! Friend me!!

Andrea said...

I'm there, too. It's addicting, but I think I'll always prefer blogging. I was wondering how many LP families were on it, too.

Destini said...

Me too, and I am totally addicted! I use the blog to keep up with the kids and FB to keep up with my friends (plus it doesn't require much effort and no creativity on my part).

Greene Family said...

I'm on there too, and I have become addicted to checking it throughout the day!

Anonymous said...

I'm addicted too. Only problem is that I can't get to it from work. (I guess that is only a problem for me -- not so much for my employer.)

Shawna said...

Hi, my name is Shawna and I'm a facebook addict!!