Thursday, May 15, 2008

My little silly kids

Well we tried to get the kids pictures done at Sears with the cousins. JD was being a little ham and trying to be silly the whole time. You will notice in the pictures of the samples here, that JD's face is all red, that is what happens when you have a kid who thinks he is hilarious in front of a bunch of people! Here is a picture of him showing the eyes pointing the other way...I had to buy a little 5x7 just to remember this moment. By the time Annie joined in, everyone was just being plain silly. Oh well, next time, I will bring more bribary to convince the kids that taking professional pictures is fun!


Kim said...

Did JD get a haircut? He looks adorable! I love the plaid little shirt! Glad to hear the photo shoot went well!

Jillsblog said...

Yes, can you believe that JD has had 11 haircuts in his almost 3 years? Thank god, my BIL is a barber!!!

Mandy said...

They are so funny. Isn't amazing when you want something to turn out our kids have other plans. You will have great memories of that. Plus a great picture to show his future wife one day. HEHEEH I smell blackmail.
Your kids are both cute.
Mandy, Andrea's mom

Debi said...

Ahhh, little hams, how cute. They get that from their Auntie Debi.