First is Erica's wedding! It was beautiful, the weather, the bride, the setting, etc. It was so great to hang out with the "old" gang again. Did we get too crazy towards the end of the night? I will never tell. I attached some pictures, one thing that was hilarious is Erica's little flower girl, Autumn, asked her mom during the ceremony if she could sit...well little did Mom know she would pull up a chair to the ceremony was hysterical. Congrats to Erica and Greg, and I wish you many years of happiness!!!

Off to Father's Day...we started the day with breakfast in bed. I was so proud of my new waffle maker. The kids were beside themselves to bring Dad breakfast in bed. He got waffles, blueberries, strawberries and whipped cream. From the kitchen to the bedroom, the kids were chanting "daddy, daddy" It was a great morning. Then we headed to my Dad's house (pops) to spend some time there. We ate some pizza and enjoyed some fun family time. Jody, Debbie, Emilee, Debi and Paul were there as well, we had some fun. Auntie Debi is quickly learning to play JD's favorite game of Memory. Debi could you please watch Dora the Explorer a couple of times so you can learn all the key names? he he. JD has so many Memory Games...So I attached some pics of that day as well. Then we headed off to Grandpa's house. The picture of the 3 kids is of Grandpa...the kids had a blast playing together there too. A long day but a fun day!

Boat time! Over the weekend was my sister's best friend 30 bday, so we decided to take her out on the boat for the day. We had alot of fun. We went sight seeing down through Plymouth Harbor and saw all the important landmarks from the ocean side. The Mayflower, the plymouth Rock, the Gurnet lighthouse, etc. We ate lunch out near an island in Duxbury and tooled around the ocean for like 5 hours or so. It was very relaxing and I think everyone had a good time. Happy Birthday Christy!!!

1 comment:
Oh your family looks like they had a great time!!!! It is also good to read about his speech eval! So encouraging! We are just starting the process, so thank you for the info!! Your kids are beautiful!!
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