I was talking to my Mom today and I foolishly said "Geez, since JD came off his Pulmicort a month ago, he hasn't had a runny nose, illness or anything" Why, why, why did I speak these words????? He came home from playing at the boat with Daddy and Anne and he has a fever of 103.5. We called the DR...said all the old usual things and did everything we are supposed to do (bath, motrin, tylenol after an hour, etc.) After an hour he went down to 102.7 THANK GOD. I literally had a bag packed for the little man to head to the ER. He is so tired, we went on a mini vacation this weekend, I will blog about it later...we had some fun, apparently too much!
JD is sleeping peacefully albeit a little hot, but asleep. He is such a trooper. The poor kid is such a good patient. I tried to give him another bath and he just said "I already took a bath, I don't need another one." Being JD though he did it with a smile on his face. Let's hope tomorrow brings a happy, healthy JD....
{Christmas 2023}
7 months ago
Oh poor JD. Give him a big hug from Auntie Debi and a high five.
Poor JD. I hate those fevers and colds and the like. I hope he feels better today!Hugs!
Hope the little guy gets to feeling better soon! I guess if he has to be sick it was better after your mini-vacation.
I am so sorry to hear my little pumpkin was so sick. He is such a good boy just like his sister Anne. Well we are back from Aruba with lots of storys for all. Hope to see you sometime over the weekend.
I love the pictures and updates of what is going on,love to go back and read them again and again. Nice Job Jill!!
I"m just catching up on your blog! I'm so sorry JD got sick and hope he's feeling better soon.
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