To start off Anne was invited as the first Kindergartener to read to JD's class. She was so excited!!! She read "I will teach my Dog 100 words". She didn't want JD to know so we secretly dropped him off at school and went in the front door and down to his class. He loved it!!! Great thing for siblings to share, hope it keeps up through the years.
Anne reading to the class!

A couple of other things, our new camper, it is soo soo nice. I love having a "second" home!!! The kids ride bikes, swim, catch frogs, fish (well go to the fishing pond), take the dog for a walk, make crafts, make smores, get dirty, etc! It is such great family/friend time! The kids learned to play ladder golf and we got to hang with Auntie Debi, Uncle Paul, Uncle Jody, Auntie Debbie and of course Emilee! Emilee even smiled in a picture for me so I could buy her a prize....I added a picture of Cayman, our boxer cuz his eyes were so freaky looking!
Other news, JD and Anne both earned their red stripes in TaeKwonDo...Anne is working for her yellow cameo belt and JD is working for orange Cameo...Yeah!!!! So that is it, we are looking forward to many more camping trips in our camper and enjoying summer if it ever hits Boston officially!!!
Oh yeah, Go Celtics!!!
Anne waiting to hear if she received the Red stripe for her belt!

Cousins!! Anne and Emilee!

Cayman's camping eyes!
Uncle Jody and JD playing ladder golf

Cousins at the Camping pool!

Me at the campsite after kids went to bed!

JD sleeping at the table, watching Transformers!