We had a great time in Maine at Point Sebago this summer, however, Mr Sun did not cooperate at ALL with us. We had 6 days of complete rain, oh wait, one day we did make it to the beach and the sun was shining for 20 minutes then the skies opened up and we got soaked. I have never been so wet without swimming!
In true vacation fashion we stayed busy, I think busier than usual because it was raining and we didn't want to sit around the "camping" house. JD learned to be quite the fisherman and was pretty darn excited when Daddy caught a sun fish!!! He can cast his line like crazy. Anne did some fishing too, but she was more interested in touching the worms (she says the word like we are from Jersey). Some of our other fun events were going on a Pirate ship for a dance show, making Tye Dye Shirts, seeing two plays that the camp staff puts on. Anne loved the music to Alice in Wonderland.
My claim to fame is I won a t-shirt at Point Sebago!!!!! All my family members know that if you go to Sebago, you work at every competion to get one so you can rub it in to everyone else how great you are (LOL) I got one! Doug did you? just jokes. I know you know I am the 08 champ!!! I won a Tshirt for a little act I did on stage for my friend getting "shot" and I had to react with emotion to his falling....the crowd had to cheer for the best "couple" and we won by a landslide!!!! It was alot of fun!
Vacation was great, geez, it seems so long ago, that I forget what else we did. We are going back to Maine (different place) this weekend to try out some kayaking and of course, JD and Anne want to fish.
In other news, JD had his ENT appointment the other day, his right ear tube fell out and they took it out of his ear (right in front of me, amazing) and put it in a treasure chest and gave it to JD (eeewww). So, his left ear tube is pushing out and we should expect it to be fully out in the next 6-8 weeks. He is concerned about the size of JD's adenoids but will not perform the surgery because JD's neurosurgeon has not fully cleared him for intubation...so we are moving up his MRI to check on the foramen magnum status and hopefully he will be cleared to get the surgery soon. Dr. C did confer with a Dr. Tunkel in baltimore and they are all on the same page. JD doesn't really snore (only if he has a cold) so right now there is no super rush...but obviously we need to get them out, just waiting kills me.
Another day in the life of a LP parent!!!
Anne starts school in 2 weeks. She is going to the intergrated Pre-K program at the local elementary school, she went last year too. She will have almost all the same kids in her class and same teachers. She cannot wait to see everyone again!!!
So, I attached some pictures of various happenings from our trip and what nots from the past weeks so Enjoy!!!